Sunday, May 15, 2011

A very nerdy Christmas with Nelson's Little Helpers!

There are probably at least 10 people in my group who will kill me for this, but I just had to share this video with my nerdy non-MIT peeps.

Every year the highlight of the MIT Chemistry holiday party is karaoke, and every year the organizers of the party search high and low for musical performers to break the ice and get the party started. Well this year, the Nelson group stepped up to the plate! Starting in late October, group members Harold, Sharly, and Dylan started retreating to empty classrooms in the basement of MIT to write the music and lyrics to what would become the next holiday hit of the century. Sharly had the music and background vocals professionally recorded, and at the beginning of December the rest of the group started meeting once or twice a week to practice the lead vocals. Together we made a video to accompany the performance, which sadly you cannot see that well because of the bad quality of my camera (however, there has been talk of professionally recording our voices over the music and syncing it to the video, so give a shout-out if you think we should do it!)

My friend Elizabeth was kind enough to film the event for me and, after five months of the footage knocking around my hard-drive, I finally had the time to edit and post it! Sadly, the sound quality is atrocious, but I added lyrics so y'all can figure out what we're singing about.

P.S. I'm the one in the Santa hat.

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